January2024 - Journal-No PN Final WEB - Flipbook - Page 18
One-Stop Shop
As a customer of PIPESTONE, you have access to a wide range of swine
health products and supplies. Winter is coming, be prepared for cold days
ahead by stocking the supplies that keep your pigs and people comfortable.
Hooded Sweatshirts
come in two styles
and are perfect for
chores on chilly
mornings and nights.
Thermal lined gloves
for cold winter days.
One size 昀椀ts all.
Stocking Caps are
unisex and one size
昀椀ts all!
Replenish your
shower supplies.
Keep employees safe
with ready to use
ice melt.
As temperatures decrease, be sure to follow
product labels for proper storage conditions.
If you notice product has been frozen,
contact your vet or the Swine Resource Team before use.