StroudwaterLodgeBigBrochure 2020FLIPBOOK - Flipbook - Page 1
116 Landing Road
Westbrook, ME 04092
P 207.854.8333
F 207.854.9333
care plan to meet your individual needs. Our caring and
We have a passion for making a positive
professional staff is available 24 hours a day to do all they
difference in people’s lives. Your well-being is our
can com
to enhance a resident’s sense of independence and
with family
top priority. Eating right, staying fit, engaging
and friends, having a helping hand when needed are
essential to living well. Meet new people, laugh with old
friends, spend quality time with family—now you have the
time without worry. Most importantly we get to know you.
Printed Wellness
Team will create a personalized service and
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At Stroudwater Lodge, everything we do, every day, is to
ensure that you Live Well and Love Life.