NLP Educator Booklet - Flipbook - Page 12
NewsLitNation Professional
Learning Platform
NLP brings news literacy professional learning to the
next level with our new on-demand learning platform
for educators. Educators will be able to choose which
topics are most relevant to their teaching objectives
and will be able to complete them at their own pace.
This structure provides the 昀氀exibility for educators
to skip topics they can teach comfortably and focus
on areas in which they wish to learn more.
Platform objectives
1. Provide effective, engaging on-demand
professional learning for educators
to build and deepen knowledge of
news literacy topics and skills.
2. Demonstrate strategies and resources for
integrating news literacy into curriculum, using
NLP’s resources in ways that are effective
for classrooms and learning communities.
3. Offer a News Literacy Educator Certi昀椀cate
program — available only to members of
our educator community, NewsLitNation
— so those who complete the courses
can demonstrate their knowledge and
competencies in teaching news literacy.
4. Encourage collaboration among educators
in sharing resources and strategies to
support news literacy education.
Teaching news literacy