Messiah Lifeways 2022-2023 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 6
B.I.G. Strategic
Planning Initiatives
Build a culture that sincerely cares for all team
members through meaningful relationships and
supportive resources.
Model a “One Team” culture.
Develop a career pathways program.
Partner with higher education to create a clinical site for training.
Determine the appropriate departmental structure for effective leadership
and communication.
Expand offerings to support team member wellness.
Invest in the development of current and future leaders.
Enhance quality and value by continuously improving the
organization’s technology, processes, and physical space.
Implement innovative technology that provides tools to engage and
enrich the lives of residents, clients, and team members.
Update and execute a repositioned master plan for Messiah Village.
Evaluate the Mount Joy Country Homes campus plan.
Permeate the Lean philosophy throughout the organization to reduce
waste and increase value.
Look for opportunities to grow and expand our mission to
serve older adults through partnerships and development.
Proactively identify and pursue opportunities to acquire, af昀椀liate,
or partner with entities who will expand our mission.
Grow Messiah Lifeways through the development of a residential
living satellite campus.
Commit to expanding services for older adults with limited resources
and enhancing community bene昀椀t activities.