The Story of You: A Guide To Navigating Your Civic Season Journey - Manual / Resource - Page 19
What Powhatan warrior was called
“Jack-of-the-Feather,” because
he made elaborate use of feathers
in his war regalia?
Bonus Trivia: Nemattenew was a skilled Powhatan warrior
who reached legendary status because of his encounters with English colonizers in the early 17th century. Because he was
never wounded in conflicts with the English, many believed that
Nemattanew was supernaturally protected from musket fire.
But he wasn’t just an accomplished warrior—Nemattanew was
also a key influence in peace negotiations.
Learn more by visiting the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation
in Williamsburg, Virginia.
What mass boycott and demonstration
took place against segregated schools and
inadequate resources for Black students
in Chicago in 1963?
Freedom Days.
Bonus Trivia: More than 200,000 of Chicago’s public school
students—almost half—skipped class, leaving many schools
on the South and West Sides virtually empty. The climax of
Freedom Day was the march to the downtown office of the
Chicago Board of Education. Thousands took to the streets,
carrying signs that voiced their frustrations.
Want the full scoop? Visit the Chicago History Museum
in Chicago, Illinois.