The Story of You: A Guide To Navigating Your Civic Season Journey - Manual / Resource - Page 10
Been thinking about how to make a change for the better in your community,
but don’t know where to start? Here you’ll find ways to support the people and
places that matter to you and sustain movements for change.
But when taking care of others, pay attention to your own needs. Check out
our tips to avoid burnout, so you can stay committed to what you care about.
Reflect on Your Skills and Passions
Identifying how and where you want to volunteer means you
need to learn about yourself first. What skills and talents
do you want to develop and share with others? What do you
want to learn about?
Get To Know Your Community
Listening and learning about your community is central to
determining how you want to support your community through
volunteering. The more you learn about your community,
the better equipped you’ll be to take action that impacts
the causes you care about most.
Choose a Social Issue
Now that you have reflected on your own interests and
learned about the opportunities and issues that are important to
your community, it’s time to choose a social issue (or more than
one) on which you can focus your volunteer efforts.