How Good People Solve Bad IRS Problems - Nick Nemeth - Manual / Resource - Page 69
the IRS. Because when you understand how the agency
works, you can make better decisions.
Now, whether you use me and my law firm or not, let
me remind you that speaking with an IRS agent is risky.
Each time you talk, you give the IRS more information
that can be used against you. Agents are trained to ask
you questions that give them an advantage.
Allowing us to handle your communication with the IRS
instantly eliminates this risk. You won’t make mistakes
that put your case in danger. Furthermore, you won’t
have to deal with the stress that comes with worrying if
you’re doing something wrong.
These hassles become a problem of the past.
The bottom line is, each day you wait brings greater
risk. Recently, a single mom who was having 80% of her
paycheck levied by the IRS contacted my office. After
getting an initial consultation, she decided to hold off a
little bit before letting our office help her (she eventually
retained our firm a few weeks later).
Unfortunately, due to the COVID pandemic of 2020,
the IRS essentially shut down a few days after her
consultation. We were unable to contact anyone at the
IRS (due to furloughs) to assist us in releasing her wage
levies. She went several weeks without a paycheck until
we could get her wage levy released.
This was someone who needed money to feed her kids,
but there was nothing we could do any sooner because
of the shutdown. Had she simply retained us upon the