How Good People Solve Bad IRS Problems - Nick Nemeth - Manual / Resource - Page 17
End Your IRS Problems
OK, So Now What?
After you’ve digested your transcripts, you’ll be able
to decide on your next step. This book is designed to
provide you with ideas about how you can best resolve
your IRS problem. However, you may have to apply a
combination of the ideas revealed in this book to help
you resolve your IRS problem. The good news is that,
in most cases, you have many options.
The key is to understand that the concepts and ideas
revealed in this book should be considered your
“options” -which you can use in your quest to get
help with your IRS problem.
One of the best things about dealing with the IRS is
that in most cases, you can use your options over and
over until you get the outcome you desire.
Do not give up. If the result of your first attempt to
resolve your IRS problem is not your desired outcome,
simply repeat the required action again -and again
-until you get what you want.
Most people with tax problems give up too easily. But
you’re not like most people. You’ve already started to
take matters into your own hands just by reading this
book. Don’t give up!
IRS employees are just like you and me (they’re
human), and in many cases, you may wear them down
because they get sick of looking at your case over and
over again. Eventually, they will want to get rid of you
and your case ... so over time, it can become easier for
them to agree with you than to argue with you.
The interesting thing about IRS problems is that, in
the IRS arena, you often have unlimited opportunities
to keep filing, appealing, requesting -then finally
begging -for the outcome you desire.
Do yourself a favor and read that last paragraph again
before you turn the page ...