Land & Garden Preserve Biennial Report 2022-2023 - Magazine - Page 17
• In the gardens 164 groupings of new
perennials and 245 new shrubs were
planted to support pollinators. In the
natural lands, native plants reintroduced to
the meadows provide bene昀椀ts to pollinator
diversity. Over the past two seasons, this
included a dozen different species and
1,500 plants.
• Perennial plant stems are left standing to
provide over-wintering habitat.
• Plants are scouted to locate pest populations,
allowing staff to target pest management
• Swamp milkweed, Asclepias incarnata, and
its Cinderella and Ice Ballet cultivars are
perennialized to boost monarch caterpillar
larvae populations at Thuya Garden, Abby
Garden, and McAlpin Farm.
• We continue to identify and document
insect populations that visit our gardens.
Kari Heistad
Our gardens and lands provide water
sources, shelter, nectar, and a wide range
of plants, including natives, for diverse
populations of pollinators to thrive. The
staff who steward them pride themselves
on preserving and enhancing healthy