GCC Catalog 2023-2024 - Flipbook - Page 88
A comprehensive study of all the systems of the human body,
focusing on structures and their functions. Anatomical structure
will be studied by organ systems with emphasis on the relationship
between form and function. Systematic topics include levels of
organization, support and movement, integration and
coordination, transport, absorption and excretion, and the
development of human life.
BIO 251
4 (3-3)
A study of the function, regulation, control, and interrelationships
of all the organ systems of the human body. Major divisions
covered include human cell, muscular system, nervous system,
sense organs, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, vascular
system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system,
water and electrolyte balance, reproductive system.
Prerequisite None
Prerequisite Pass BIO 250 with a “C” or better. It is HIGHLY
RECOMMENDED that students gain the Chemistry and
Biology background needed to be successful in this course
by both CHM 101 and BIO 101 (or equivalent transfer
course) with a passing grade prior to taking this course.
BIO 110
4 (3-3)
An introduction to the relationships of organisms to each other and
to their environments. Major topics include the interactions of
individuals with the physical environment as well as the dynamics
of populations, and the structure and function of communities and
ecosystems. Laboratory exercises include field work,
experimentation, and analysis of data.
The primary content in BLD courses is directly related to a
Construction Technology occupational program.
Prerequisite Assessment Scores
BIO 122
4 (3-3)
This course will discuss and investigate the field of Botany. The
focus will be on the structure, function reproduction, and
classification of plants, and algae, as well as the relationship to
current ecological, agricultural, and other human issues.
BLD 101
5 (2-5.5)
This course is an introduction to surveying, masonry, and carpentry
trades with special emphasis in the proper use, care and
maintenance of hand tools and machinery. It will also focus on safe
working practices in shop and field conditions. Instruction will
include principles of building layout, theory and field work which
will include forming and pouring of basement footings, sidewalks,
foundation walls, slabs and construction of block foundations,
masonry walls, chimneys and piers. The student will learn to read
a site plan, operate a builder’s level and transit, take and reduce
lot/foundation/building elevations, lines, and corners.
Prerequisite None
BIO 150
4 (3-3)
Field studies of the ecology, morphology, and evolutionary
relationships of organisms in the ecosystems of northern Michigan
and Wisconsin. This course will focus extensively on the methods
utilized by biologists to collect field data on native and invasive
organisms and examine their roles in the greater ecological
community. Specimen collection, identification, and preservation,
as well laboratory reports on student findings are an integral part
of this course.
Prerequisite None
BLD 102
5 (2-5.5)
This course is a continuation of Building Construction I. Students
will be introduced to the various building construction materials.
The use and care of hand and power tools used in industry will be
covered. Special emphasis will be given to safety. Students will be
involved with floor framing, wall framing and roof framing and the
application of roofing materials.
Prerequisite None
BIO 215
4 (3-3)
A course in the identification, morphology, distribution and
physiology of microorganisms important in the home, agriculture,
industry and medical sciences. The laboratory deals with
techniques basic to the study of microorganisms.
Prerequisite BLD 101
Prerequisite Grades of C or higher in CHM 101 or higher AND BIO 101 or
an ACT science score of 24 or higher
BLD 104
3 (3-0)
Content includes planning the electrical, plumbing, and heating
systems of a residential home in accordance with specifications
using the guidelines of the National Electrical Code and BOCA
building code. Blueprint reading will be used to coordinate the
mechanical prints with the erection of the building.
BIO 250
4 (3-3)
A study of the structure of the human body. Lectures emphasize
structures of all the systems of the human body (Integumentary,
skeletal, muscular, nervous, sense organs, endocrine,
cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and urinary). Laboratory
work includes study of the human skeleton, dissection of the cat,
sheep brain, beef/sheep heart, and beef/sheep kidney.
Prerequisite None
BLD 120
Introduces the mechanics and installation of the plumbing,
heating, and electrical wiring for a residential building, students
will first receive laboratory experiences in typical installations and
Prerequisite It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that students have
successfully completed HS Chemistry and Biology or have
passed CHM 099 and BIO 101 (or equivalent transfer
courses) to be successful in this course.