JPS 2024 Impact Report - Report - Page 5
“Together, we have worked
tirelessly to uphold our
commitment to excellence
and ensure that every
student has the opportunity
to reach their full potential.”
I am thrilled to present our District
Impact Report for the 2023-2024 school
year—a year 昀椀lled with many achievements, signi昀椀cant milestones, and a collective commitment to our students’ success.
As we re昀氀ect on the past year, one of
the highlights that stands out is the successful passage of the $117 million bond
proposal. This monumental achievement
demonstrates our community’s dedication to investing in our schools and
provides us with the resources needed
to enhance our facilities, improve safety
measures, and create optimal learning
environments for our students.
Beyond the passing of the bond proposal, our students have made tremendous strides in their educational journey.
From academic accomplishments like
over 800 Advanced Placement exams
completed to extracurricular achievements like our marching band performing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
Parade, our students have demonstrated
exceptional resilience, determination,
and excellence in all aspects of their
education. As they prepare for their
next steps, whether it be college, career,
or beyond, I am con昀椀dent that they are
well-equipped to succeed in whatever
path they choose to pursue.
None of these achievements would
have been possible without the collective
e昀昀orts of our dedicated sta昀昀, supportive
parents, engaged community members,
and, most importantly, our outstanding
students. Together, we have worked tirelessly to uphold our commitment to excellence and ensure that every student has the
opportunity to reach their full potential.
As we celebrate our successes and look
ahead to the future, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to providing the
highest quality education for all students.
With your continued support and partnership, I am con昀椀dent that we will continue
to make strides in unlocking the potential
of every student and building a brighter
future for our community.
Thank you for your dedication to
Jenison Public Schools and for being an
integral part of our continued success.