HSSC-Winter-2023-North-Bay-Pets-Final - Magazine - Page 10
If you ever need to restore your faith in humanity, just take a moment to consider how committed and
vital HSSC volunteers are to the animals. Walking through our Santa Rosa or Healdsburg shelters, you
might see one of our volunteers brushing a cat, telling them what a wonderful companion they will make.
You might see another tossing a ball for a shelter pup, cheering on their fetching skills. You might spot a
volunteer petting a shelter bunny, quietly reassuring them that they are safe, loved and won’t have to wait
long to 昀椀nd their forever home! And then, there are volunteers working behind the scenes to help us care
for the animals and ensure that our daily operations are running smoothly.
These kind, dedicated individuals truly embody compassion in action. Their time, skills and HEART are
integral to our lifesaving work! Do you have a few spare hours in your week or month to join them? We are
currently in need of volunteers for the following positions:
· Dog Walkers - especially for opening (7-9am) and closing (4-6pm) shifts, but other times are helpful too!
· Outreach and Event Volunteer Leads – to help organize, supervise volunteer crews for community events
· Dog fosters
· Cat Chefs
· Cat Kennel Cleaners
Q Gives animals a break from the noise and stress of shelter life
Q Helps shy, undersocialized animals learn con昀椀dence and trust
Q Provides individualized care and nurturing for animals recovering
from medical procedures
Q Opens up space in the shelter to take in animals who would
otherwise be euthanized for space in overcrowded facilities
Q Expands your heart exponentially
Interested in volunteering? There are so
many ways to help! To learn more, contact
Katie McHugh, Volunteer Coordinator at
kmchugh@humanesocietysoco.org, or
call (707) 542-0882 x201.