2021 Customer Portal User Guide VersaPay - Flipbook - Page 6
Communication Tool
If you want to communicate with a member on the AR team, you can select the invoice you are inquiring
about and choose to open a comment or a dispute as seen below.
Once you click on “New Comment/Open Dispute”, you will be able to see the below options.
1. You can attach a file or a picture that is relevant to your comment/question
2. You are able to tag specific people you want to be notified with your question
3. You are able to distinguish between a comment and a dispute by checking this box. Disputes are
generally created when you are requesting that you do not pay the invoice in question for whatever
reason you provide. Comments are chosen when you have questions/requests or would like to
inform an AR member with any additional information.
Private and confidential © Versapay 2021