God Works Magazine - May-June 2024 - Flipbook - Page 14
1. Practice self-kindness.
them with caring inner voic-
Treat yourself with the
es that validate your experi-
same gentleness and
ences without harsh judge-
understanding you would
offer a dear friend. When
6. Give yourself breaks. The
you notice self-critical
healing process can be emo-
thoughts, consciously
tionally and mentally drain-
rephrase them in a more
ing. Build in periods of rest,
supportive, encouraging
enjoyable activities, and
healthy distractions to reju-
2. Recognize your shared
venate your mind and body.
humanity. The painful
7. Seek support without
thoughts and emotions
judgement. Surround your-
you experience are part
self with people who will
of the human condition
listen without minimizing,
that we all share. You
judging or trying to "fix" your
are not alone in this
experiences. Support groups
struggle, and your suffer-
can provide this compas-
ing does not make you fundamentally flawed.
3. Mindfully sit with difficult emotions. Rather
sionate presence.
8. Be accountable without berating yourself. If
than avoiding or suppressing painful feelings,
you struggle with self-destructive patterns,
allow yourself to fully experience them with a
gently reorient yourself toward self-care with-
mindful, non-judgmental attitude. Breathe
out shaming or harsh self-criticism.
deeply and let the emotions rise and fall without resisting.
4. Write yourself a compassionate letter. Put
into words how you might express unconditional support, acceptance and compassion
for yourself during this challenging time. Then
read it during moments when you need that
kindness most.
5. Use compassionate self-talk. When you notice critical inner voices, actively replace
14 | God Works Magazine | May/June 2024
The key is meeting your suffering with warmth,
gentleness and the recognition that you are
human and worthy of compassion, especially
during life's most difficult periods.
"For you created my inmost being; you knit
me together in my mother's womb. I praise
you because I am fearfully and wonderfully
made." - Psalm 139:13-14