Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 8
Threads of a 150-year-long
In contrast to many other Danish industrial
changing times. This look at the challenges
enterprises, Kjærs Mølle – now Gabriel – did
faced over the past ±∂∞ years illustrates how
not grow out of a cottage industry, nor was it
relationships between the company’s decision
based on the good ideas and energy of one
makers and employees and between these
man. Kjærs Mølle was planned and founded by
people and the outside world altered over the
three men who had a clear objective: They wis-
hed to create a sustainable business for the
This volume follows developments from the
manufacture of fabric for the clothing industry
beginning in ±π∂± to the present day, conclu-
in Jutland, the Danish mainland.
ding with an overview of Gabriel as a model
enterprise with record sales and earnings, mo-
The following pages trace the threads that
dern equipment, an accomplished and loyal
make up the fabric woven throughout the ±∂∞-
staff, a solid financial base and a responsible
year history of the enterprise. Some of the
attitude to both employees and the surroun-
threads were long, others short; some were
ding environment.
strong and long lasting, others short-lived. The
history of the Kjærs Mølle/Gabriel factory is
The book is based on written sources as well as
traced from ±π∂± until the present day, whilst
interviews with current and former employees.
the story of the textile manufacturer Gabriel
The interviews have added much valuable in-
that began in ±∫µ≥ starts when this firm ente-
formation, making it possible to present as
red the scene in ±∫∏π-∏∫.
true a picture of the events of the past ±∂∞
The raw material utilised was primarily
years as possible. The openness demonstrated
wool. Although synthetic fibres were a basic re-
by Gabriel A/S in support of this project has
source at certain times, wool has never been
been invaluable. I wish to thank all of those
completely out of the picture. Initially, the
who have contributed to this book.
company manufactured fabric for the clothing
Thanks also to Archivist Flemming Nielsen,
industry; today the focus is on high quality up-
Aalborg City Archives and to The Danish Na-
holstery fabric. The enterprise has changed
tional Business Archives in the city of Århus for
hands many times along the way, and its name
their professional advice and cooperation as
was changed from Kjærs Mølle to Gabriel.
the project moved forward.
This anniversary volume will trace the threads
Anders Kærgaard,
that have made this a successful enterprise in
February ≤∞∞±