Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 55
sent the greatest potential for future growth.
Export initiatives are backed by Gabriel’s own
sales representatives in seven European countries.
Ensuring independence, 1997
In ±∫∫∏, a big American group, Interface, took
over Gabriel’s largest competitor on the contract
market, the English company, Camborne Ltd.
The possibility that Interface or others
would be interested in taking over Gabriel A/S
could not be ruled out. A controlling interest
could be obtained simply by purchasing the
∑∞% of the shares held by the pension funds.
Chairman of the Board Poul H. Lauritsen
and Managing Director Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen
investigated the possibility of convincing a
group of successful businessmen to buy most
of the Gabriel shares owned by the pension
funds. This was accomplished in the spring of
±∫∫π, and calm once more descended on Gabriel’s financial base.
Later, the Thygesen group in the town of
Ikast purchased the remaining shares held by
Gabriel received North Jutland County’s environ-
the pension funds (approx. ∏%). The Thygesen
mental award in ±∫∫∂. The bronze sculpture was
group is considered to be a good partner for
created by sculptor Agnethe Brittasius.
Gabriel as regards future development and
percentage of goods exported has shown a
steady increase; more than ∂∞% of the goods
The responsible enterprise
manufactured were exported in ±∫∫∂-∫∑, and
this has increased to ∏∂% in ≤∞∞±.
From the second half of the ±∫π∞s, environmental issues and the working environment
In ±∫∫∫, sales activities were divided into three
have become increasingly important factors
independent divisions: Gabriel Contract, Ga-
when defining a successful enterprise.
briel Home and Gabriel Transport. This step
Well into the ±∫π∞s, the noise level in the
was taken to ensure better utilisation of Gabri-
weaving mill was far higher than current re-
el’s capabilities in each of the three segments.
quirements. Already in the early ±∫π∞s, at-
Contract is the largest division by far, account-
tempts were made to install sound-absorbing
ing for π∞% of turnover in ±∫∫∫-≤∞∞∞, and
pieces of cloth, and the use of hearing protec-
today Gabriel is Europe’s market leader in this
tion was required. In order to meet new de-
area. Home and Transport shared the remain-
mands for the lowering of noise levels, noise
ing ≤∞% of turnover, but these segments repre-
shields were installed on all the looms.