Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 52
goal was defined: The introduction of a system
of quality control aimed at achieving ISO-∫∞∞±
certification in the autumn of ±∫∫∞.
Reaching this goal involved the participation of all the employees. Everyone was required to think new thoughts. Discussions were
held on an equal footing, across traditional organisational
Areas of particular focus were information, influence and the inclusion of all employees in
improving work routines.
The goal was reached, and Gabriel’s environmental management was certified in
accordance with the ISO-∫∞∞± standard in
March ±∫∫± – it was the first manufacturer of
upholstery fabric in Europe to be certified
and was among the first companies in Denmark to receive this mark of distinction. Certification was granted at virtually the same time
as the company’s ±µ∞th anniversary, and both
events were celebrated with a party for the
The Gabriel motto: “Together We Are Strong”
Quality control increased both quality and the
illustrated during a course held for all the
company’s ability to meet demands, but im-
employees in ±∫∫≤.
provements were still called for. One negative
aspect of quality control was a tendency to
visors would no longer direct the work and filter
create bureaucracy – too often the heart of an
communications but would make use of their
issue became buried in paperwork. Further-
professional training in improving production
more, a vacuum arose following the celebra-
techniques. This contributed to the breaking
tions: The customers had been forgotten.
down of barriers between departments and pro-
In the autumn of ±∫∫±, therefore, a new
fessions and to the introduction of a horizontal
brainstorming session was held for many key
organisational structure.
employees, both salaried and hourly-wage em-
Finally, efforts were to be made to ensure
ployees. The goal was to put “The Customer in
that the knowledge that was now documented
the Centre”, a motto that has since become fa-
would not only be maintained but also expand-
miliar to every Gabriel employee. The compa-
ed. This plan called for perseverance, but it was
ny would make every effort to react more quick-
carried out and is daily routine in ≤∞∞±.
ly, and the customers would see that Gabriel
was the best supplier in the trade.
Ensuring independence, 1991
At this meeting, the decision was made to organise the work in self-governing groups, and
The structure of the concern was altered in
each group was to have an hourly-wage worker
October ±∫ππ. Gabriel Boligtekstiler A/S was
to coordinate the filling of an order. The super-
reorganised to become Gabriel Holding A/S,