Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 33
ber to π∞ looms (compared to µπ in ±∫µ∞).
New wool on its way through the willowing works
where it will be plucked and cleaned.
meant that the focus on worsted yarn increafter purchasing the shares in Kjærs Mølle,
ased at Kjærs Mølle, and the percentage of
both were killed in a plane crash.
worsted yarn manufactured increased from
Late in ±∫µπ, therefore, Engelbrecht’s widow
≤.∂% in ±∫µπ to µ∞% in ±∫∂±. The emphasis was
sold the Kjærs Mølle shares to the company,
on material for making clothing for men and
A/S Odense Kamgarnsspinderi. The Odense
boys as well as, for example, women’s coats.
enterprise already owned several textile com-
In ±∫µ∫, there were ≤∂∞ employees, and for
panies and manufactured, among other things,
the most part, work was carried out in two
the well-known “Hjertegarn”.
shifts. The employees were finally granted a
Odense Kamgarnsspinderi sent their office
long-desired wish, and the first canteen with
manager, Henry Petersen, to Kjærs Mølle where
room for ±≤∂ employees was opened in ±∫µ∫.
he took over the position of managing director.
On ± May ±∫∂±, Kjærs Mølle celebrated its
Under Henry Petersen’s leadership, necessary
±∞∞th anniversary. That was a day remembered
investments in buildings and new equipment
for years to come by those who took part in the
were pushed forward. From ±∫µπ to ±∫∂∞, the
celebrations. Along with speeches extolling the
amount used to purchase new machines in-
success of the company, a number of the older
creased year by year from DKK ≤±∂,∞∞∞ to
employees were honoured and presented with
DKK ∏±≥,∞∞∞. At the same time, both turnover
and the amount of the dividend paid to shareholders also grew.
War in Korea and crisis
at the Mill
Kjærs Mølle got a share of the Marshall
Plan aid provided by the United States in order
to help Western Europe in getting back on its
The beautiful facade displayed at the ±∞∞th an-
feet again after the war. In ±∫∂∞, ±µ American
niversary began to crack soon thereafter. This
looms were purchased, bringing the total num-
time, unforeseen events on the opposite side of