Gabriel 150 years - Flipbook - Page 21
Today, it is difficult to say anything definite
could be imposed if a weaving error was made.
about the distribution of the sexes in the fac-
Thirty workers were sacked during the strike,
tory. We do know, however, that in ±∫∞±, ≤∂ men
and the conflict was finally resolved. The work-
and ±± women had been employed for at least
ers were successful in instituting a somewhat
±∞ years (including workers who earned an
milder system of fines and in getting ≤≤ of
hourly wage and salaried employees). But
those who had been sacked rehired.
women were probably often hired for shorter
periods of time than men and, if they had the
From partnership to limited
financial means, may have left their jobs to
marry or to have children. Therefore, women
probably made up a larger share of the work-
In the period from ±π∂± to ±π∫π, many partners
force than indicated by the above numbers.
were replaced, and the partnership agreement
A look at the work done by those who were
was renewed in ±π∏≤. The last of Kjærs Mølle’s
employed for at least ±∞ years shows that most
founders, W.A. Rodskjer, died in ±π∏∑, and the
of the warpers, burlers, croppers and weavers
shares had gradually been distributed among a
were women. The dyeing process appears to
wide circle of heirs and other persons.
have been men’s work. In addition, all those
As any change in ownership required the
given the title of “master” were men: master
signatures of all the partners, the partnership
weaver, master dyer, master finisher and master
arrangement had gradually become too cum-
fuller. It would, of course, have been unusual
bersome as a means of running the company.
for a woman to have had a career at this time.
As of ± January ±π∫π, therefore, the partners decided to create a limited company, Aktieselska-
In the ±∫∞± anniversary volume, the relation-
bet Kjærs Mølles Fabriker with Julius and Frede-
ship between the workers and the company is
rik Rodskjer as managing directors. One of the
described as good. And a number of measures
advantages of the limited company was that
were taken to ensure the welfare of the work-
the shares were freely negotiable, and money
ers. There was, among other things, a health
could be borrowed against them.
insurance system for “men and unmarried
women” financed by subscription and a con-
A share capital of π∞∞,∞∞∞ Danish kroner was
tribution made by the company.
raised. Then the limited company construction
Finally, in ±π∏∑, a fund was created for work-
was threatened by a legal subtlety in the old
ers who were sacked due to age, so they could
copyhold contract. The owners of the manorial
avoid the wretched conditions of those living
rights were still living, and they would lose their
on the government system of poor relief.
compensation when the copyhold was cancelled. Their legal argument was that the limi-
The relationship between workers and manage-
ted company was not a person, and as a conse-
ment was, however, not always idyllic, and in
quence, they refused to sign the title deed. The
±π∫∑ a tense atmosphere came to a head. Work
case was brought to court, and in both the Dan-
was abandoned to protest a master’s coarse
ish High Court and the Supreme Court, Kjærs
language. There was already considerable dis-
Mølle was granted the right to change the type
satisfaction among the weavers due to fines
of company, and the limited company could
amounting to more than a week’s wages that
continue operations.