DV Digital Brochure 5 - Flipbook - Page 2
Forward Free is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit public charity organized around religious,
educational, and charitable purposes. We are religious because we are motivated by Christ’s example
of love and compassion, and ready to tell others about the transforming hope we have as Christians.
We are educational in that we feel duty bound to share the very best information available in helping
those dealing with aftermath consequences of trauma and severe stress, eager to utilize best practices
in helping others. We are also charitable as we seek to provide effective, renewing help and support
at little or no cost to beneficiaries through the gracious giving of donors and patrons.
Forward Free is unique in two significant ways. First, it seeks to help several different people groups
all struggling with a common set of aftermath consequences from trauma or severe or recurring
stress. Second, we seek to provide comprehensive education and practical support, not simply help in
one area in which they are struggling.
Vision & Mission: Forward Free seeks to be the Nation’s leader in transforming people impacted by
trauma or stress. Its mission is to mitigate and prevent the secondary consequences of trauma and
stress experienced by disabled and wounded veterans, first responders, Christian leaders, and
community members through awareness, advocacy and compassionate service.