Strategic Plan 2022 FINAL option 1 - Flipbook - Page 5
I am pleased to present the 2022 Strategic Plan to you, the residents and businesses of Flagler County.
This plan is the guidebook that provides County staff direction to improve or otherwise maintain desired
services for our community. Through the strategic planning process the Board of County Commissioners
and staff proposed a series of initiatives that will be used to make informed decisions on allocation of
human and capital resources to achieve the identified goals within the Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan encompasses the County’s vision, mission, and
organizational values which are reflected in our current focus areas. The
County is committed to its financial and legislative priorities and long-term
sustainability. Flagler is a county with a defined mission, commitment to
excellence in public service, and employees dedicated to our core values.
Flagler County continues to make intentional, proactive, and strategic steps
to strengthen our financial position while increasing transparency, innovation,
and operational efficiencies. Informative discussions, public meetings, and
surveys have provided valuable feedback to assist in the development of this
strategic plan.
Staff will update the Commission and the public regularly on the progress
made, as well as recommend any Strategic Plan amendments to accommodate
changes in the County’s priorities.
I look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. To the community members who
contributed to this process, the Board of County Commissioners for their leadership, and the county
staff for their hard work and dedication to Flagler County, I thank you.
Heidi Petito, County Administrator
Fiscal Year 2022 Strategic Plan – 5