Kosfeld Fenna Thesis - Flipbook - Page 54
Urine as Fertiliser
Nutrient Recycling
Nutrient rich
95% of Urine is Water
5% is a rich mix of
2% Urea ( Ammonia is
the main chemical for
fertilisation )
slow-release of nutrients
Waste Utilization
An Average of 800ml up to 2L of
Urine is 昀氀ushed down every day.
That creates an unproportional
use of water to 昀氀ush material
that is mainly made of water.
Huge amounts of Urine
including contaminations
end up in un昀椀ltered in
wastewater, hence the
ocean- and this leads to
high nitrogen levels in
open water Eutrophication. Recycling Urine can
help in balance ecosystems and is a valuable
material for various
other applications than