The Gender Pint Gap Revisited FINAL - Flipbook - Page 24
2023: When, if ever, would you consider drinking beer?
Women in the 35 54 year old age
group are most
likely to drink beer
with a mixed group
of friends in a pub
or bar (net 50%).
Women in the 55 +
age group are least
likely to drink beer
with a mixed group
of friends in a pub
or bar (34%).
Social Grade
Women in the
South are most
likely to drink
beer with a mixed There is a sizable
group of friends
variation in social
in a pub or bar
grades with 45% of
ABC1’s stating
they would
Women in
consider drinking
Scotland are
beer with a mixed
more likely to
group of friends
drink beer at
in a bar compared
home with
to 36% of C2DE’s.
friends than any
other region
2023 in more detail:
The more affluent the consumer, the more likely they are to order a beer in a restaurant. 29% of ABC1 women consider this an
acceptable occasion, compared to only 20% of C2DE’s.
Only 17% of women in London would consider drinking beer with a male group of friends, whilst this figure jumps up to 26% for
women in the North.
Men don’t appear to have the same concerns about drinking in a group comprising of women: 48% of male respondents were
happy to do so, whilst only 22% of women would drink in a male group of friends.
Social occasions with friends are still the main driver for women drinking beer. Women will consider drinking beer in a pub or bar:
With a mixed group of friends (41%)
With women friends (28%)
However, when women are with a male group of friends in a pub or bar their impulse to choose beer as a drink of choice drops to
There is also a disparity between at home drinking with friends, or alone: 31% of women are happy to drink beer at home with
friends, but this drops to 11% if they are on their own.