TeachingInColor FINAL DIGITALPages - Flipbook - Page 21
be my whole identity: I wanted the chance to interact
all in one space. Some of the challenges as an educator
with, mentor, support and encourage the most diverse
of color are maybe more obvious or assumed — such as
group of students possible, equipping them with the
dealing with bias from peers and administrators (knowing
tools they needed to become the most whole versions
you’re being spoken to and handled in different ways than
of themselves. I especially wanted to do this work with
your peers, often times patronized or surveilled for the next
students who were marginalized. For us, the power of
misstep); feeling the weight of the systemic and individual
literacy — being able to “read” or understand ourselves
hurts of our community; and learning how to address
and the world around us, gives us more agency and
one’s own trauma while mitigating that of our students and
awareness to create the kind of lives we desire; girded
families, oftentimes grounded in racialized experiences.
up with radical awareness of the real reasons for our
One of the struggles that is less talked about is
obstacles and the stories of those who came before us
the ways in which imposter syndrome and internalized
to do the same.
bias shows up between students and (especially young)
educators of color: the perception of illegitimacy or
When did you have your first teacher of color
incapability of an educator of color in the classroom
and how did that teacher shape your learning
space makes it hard at times to establish mutual respect,
and gets in the way of true fellowship and communion
I did not have my first teacher of color until graduate
in the classroom. If they internalize the idea that I’m a
school, which is a complete shame. Maybe part of me
“lesser than” educator because of the color of my skin,
had been able to find some solace in my line of white
or coming from their community, we can get stuck in the
teachers who saw me and supported me in spite of my
traps our racist society has set for us. Compound these
other biased educators’ views: those who advocated
things with the daily trauma of the pandemic which is
for me along the way, who leveraged their privileged
killing our communities at higher rates, wading through the
positions to open doors which were being constantly
resurgence and demands of a white world who now wants
shut in my face within the classroom, between grade
to pay attention again to Black Lives, and so many other
levels or school changes, and amongst peers.
dynamics — I don’t think the physical, mental, emotional
Having Dr. Ronda Taylor Bullock and Dr. Kisha Daniels
and spiritual exhaustion of educators of color can quite be
— my first 2 educators of color in grad school —
showed me some of what I’d be been missing: a vision
With all of the challenges I’ve named here, I face them
of what I could be, but also a space where I noticed
all with the tools of empathy, patience, practicing self-
some more realness and readiness to bring the whole
advocacy; having real-talk conversations; choosing my
of my experience to my learning, questioning and
battles and leaning into my own community of support. I
formation. There is most certainly a unique, important
think continuing to learn how to navigate these dynamics
gift in having a teacher of color to learn from and with.
teaches me how to teach my students to do the same a
little better every day.
As a teacher, what is one thing you can’t
live without?
What is some advice you receive that has helped you in
It’s a close tie between Google Docs, coffee, and the
your teaching career?
comforting feeling of established connection when me
There have been so many beautiful voices that have
and the students can really laugh together while we
shaped my teaching career. I’d say one piece of advice that
has helped me in the last couple months came from several
educators early on in my career — the idea that in teaching
As a teacher of color what are some of your
you’re asked to juggle all these different tasks, roles and
biggest challenges? How have you overcome
responsibilities, but you can’t keep them all in the air at
once if you’re going to make it. Sometimes, you have set
As a teacher of color, there’s a constant negotiation
going on between all the parts of our own experience
and that of our students: all of its traumas and beauty,