PlaybookLearningDifferences 8.5x11 DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 26
Culturally and linguistically diverse
Self-reflection – a reflective examination of one’s beliefs
(CLD) – an educational term used to
or motives.8
define children enrolled in educational
programs who are either non-English-
Social-emotional learning (SEL) – aims to help students -
proficient (NEP) or limited-English-
both children and adults - better understand their thoughts
proficient (LEP).5
and emotions, to become more self-aware, and to develop
more empathy for others within their community and the world
Culturally responsive teaching (CRT)
around them.9
– pedagogy that uses students’ cultural
and linguistic backgrounds as resources
Specific learning disabilities (SLD) – a disorder in one or more
of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding
to support learning.
or in using language, spoken, or written, that may manifest itself
English language learners (ELL) – a
in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell,
national-origin-minority student who
or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as
is limited-English-proficient. This
perceptual disabilities, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and
term is often preferred over limited-
developmental aphasia.10
English-proficient (LEP) as it highlights
accomplishments rather than deficits.7
Strengths-based approach – refers to teaching methods and
strategies that identify and draw upon the strengths of children,
Knowing-doing gap – a gap that exists
families, and communities.11
between what people in organizations
know and what they actually implement
in their practice.
Learning difference – any of various
conditions that interfere with an
individual’s ability to learn and so result
A P l ay b oo k o n L ear ni n g Di fferen c es
in impaired functioning in language,
reasoning, or academic skills and
that are thought to be caused by
difficulties in processing and integrating
5 National Association for the Education of Young Children. (1995). Responding to Linguistic and Cultural
Diversity Recommendations for E昀昀ective Early Childhood Education.昀椀les/
globally-shared/downloads/PDFs/resources/position-statements/PSDIV98.PDF 6 What is Culturally Responsive
Teaching. (n.d.). Understood For All. 7 O昀케ce for Civil Rights 2020. Developing Programs for English Language Learners: Glossary. U.S.
Department of Education.昀케ces/list/ocr/ell/glossary.html 8 Understood for All.
(n.d.). What are learning and thinking di昀昀erences?昀昀erences 9 Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). (n.d). Fundamentals
of SEL. 10 Speci昀椀c Learning Disability. (2021). Colorado Department of
Education. 11 Patterson, Jim. (2022). New focus on strengths-based
learning. National Education Association. (2022).