Employee Manual 2023 - Flipbook - Page 29
Compensation Philosophy:
It is the intent of the City of Plymouth to provide fair and equitable wages to its employees. To
accomplish this, the City utilizes a compensation plan comprised of pay grades, pay ranges and pay
steps. This pay plan is intended to ensure:
1. Internal pay equity; and
2. A method by which employees may progress through the pay steps as experience and
expertise is acquired.
Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the City Commission considers and, as appropriate,
approves adjustments to the City's compensation plan. Pay increases are based on the City's ability
to pay in any particular fiscal year. In the event that a pay increase is authorized by City
Commission, eligible employees may receive:
1. A step advancement in the pay plan;
2. An incremental increase representing the difference between the prior year grade
maximum and the current year pay increment authorized by City Commission;
3. A Merit/Performance Bonus.
In order to be eligible for any increase in pay, an employee must be in good standing in regards to
Performance Evaluation: Employees will generally receive a formal performance review on at least
an annual basis at the discretion of the department supervisor. Employees have the right to read
and discuss their evaluation and file a statement concerning any points of disagreement. At the
conclusion of the evaluation process, evaluation forms will be filed in the employee's personnel
file. Performance evaluations will be considered when determining future pay increases,
promotions, job reassignment, and disciplinary action. Employees must receive at least a
satisfactory rating in their performance evaluation in order to be eligible for any pay increase
awarded by the City Commission.
Retention shall be paid in accordance with the following:
A. Retention is available to all full-time employees and year-round part-time
employees. It is not available to seasonal or temporary employees.
B. Retention is based on original hire date regardless of full- or part-time status.
C. Once an employee has attained three (3) complete years of employment; they
shall be paid according to the Retention scale.
D. Retention shall be computed to the anniversary date prior to December 1st.
E. Retention shall be paid annually, one time on the pay day nearest December 1st
or a date designed by the city manager.
F. Pay-off for retention upon resignation or retirement will be pro-rated for the
months served since the last anniversary date. If an employee has reached their
City of Plymouth Employee manual - Page 29 – March 2023