Employee Manual 2023 - Flipbook - Page 14
to attend board, commission or City Commission meetings outside of regular business hours. PartTime Employees will be capped at 29 hours per work week. Seasonal employee may work more
than 29 hours during their time with the City.
PLEASE NOTE: All vacation days, personal days, sick days, paid time off, and any other instance
when the employee is not in the office will be calculated in hours according to either their 7.5- or 8hour workday. For example, two vacation days for an employee working 37.5 hours/week will
equate to 15 hours off and equate to 16 hours off for an employee who works 40 hours/week.
Alternate Work Schedules:
The City of Plymouth will consider alternative work schedules to assist employees in meeting their
work performance goals, personal goals, and/or family needs. All requests for alternative work
schedules will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be used in considering an
alternative work schedule will include, but are not limited to, the ability to accomplish work goals,
the ability to provide coverage for departmental operations, and the maintenance of public service.
Alternative work schedules shall include the following:
Flex Time: The employee works the standard 7.5 or 8 hours per day but observes a daily schedule
that alternates from the standard 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. workday. To ensure continuity of service
within a department, flextime is not meant to address incidental or temporary scheduling
Compressed Work Week: The employee works an alternative ten-hour day, four-day workweek.
Employees working a compressed work schedule would receive regular pay for the compressed
work schedule. Overtime would not be received until the employee worked in excess of ten hours
per day or forty hours per week. For those employees, classified at 37.5 hours per week, an
adjusted scheduled would be made to accommodate the four-day workweek.
In all cases, alternative work schedules must comply with the following:
1. All full-time employees must work a total of 37.5 or 40 hours per week.
2. All offices must be open and available to provide service to the public during the regular
3. All requests for alternative work schedules must be made in writing to the department head
and include a description of the alternative work schedule; the impact on City operations;
and how the employee’s job responsibilities will be handled during regular departmental
hours when the employee is not present.
4. Department heads and/or supervisors must evaluate and approve all requests for
alternative work schedules prior to implementation. This evaluation will include an
assessment of the impact on the department and delivery of service to the public; the
employee’s job responsibilities and their required interaction with other employees and
departments; and the employee’s demonstrated level of responsibility and dependability.
5. Must be approved by the city manager.
Alternative work schedules must remain in effect for a minimum of 90 days unless a shorter time
frame is specifically approved by the city manager.
City of Plymouth Employee manual - Page 14 – March 2023