Employee Manual 2023 - Flipbook - Page 82
Purpose of Memberships and Conference and Meeting Attendance:
The purpose of memberships in professional and technical organizations, and the attendance by
City employees at meetings, seminars and conferences of such organizations or other agencies, is
as follows:
1. To develop and train employees in the knowledge and skills needed to more effectively
perform their duties;
2. To obtain information which is needed by the City in the course of its business;
3. To represent the City at meetings where the City has an interest in expressing its position or
affecting the decisions being made at such meetings; and
4. To meet the requirements of professional certification related to the employee’s job
Memberships in Organizations:
Each department head shall be responsible for determining the organizations to which his or her
department shall belong, subject to the following guidelines:
1. The membership is necessary and is the most efficient way to meet the purposes in the
section above;
2. The department has a sufficient appropriation to meet its operating needs and the cost of
the membership; and
3. The City shall have only one membership to any one organization, unless any additional
membership is specifically necessary to meet the purposes in the above section and is
specifically authorized by the city manager.
Attendance at Meetings and Seminars:
“Meetings” are related to business matters rather than training and professional development, and
typically involve one day or less of the employee’s time. “Seminars” are related to training and
professional development, and often involve one day or less, but may involve more than one day,
of the employee’s time.
Each department head shall be responsible for determining what meetings and seminars shall be
attended by employees of their department, subject to the following guidelines:
1. The attendance is necessary and is the most efficient way to meet the purposes in the first
section of Appendix F;
2. The department has a sufficient budget appropriation to meet its operating needs and the
costs of such attendance; and
3. Only one City employee shall attend any one meeting or seminar, unless the attendance of
more than one employee is specifically necessary to meet the purposes in the first section
of Appendix F.
City of Plymouth Employee manual - Page 82 – March 2023