Employee Manual 2023 - Flipbook - Page 64
5. No employee shall give any original or duplicated copy of any software owned by the City to
any outside third party.
6. No employee shall use any program on the City's IT system or any City computer for
personal gain or for the advantage of any outside third party.
7. No software shall be loaded onto the City's IT system or any City computer, unless the City
owns the original and proper license is on file with the Information Technology Director.
8. No employee shall load any software onto the City's IT system or any City computer without
the specific authorization of the IT Director. The City shall conduct periodic audits of all
computer equipment to verify compliance with this policy.
Software Specification Policy:
The goal of the City is to establish an IT system which is efficient and effective for both the
employees and the public, and at the same time is economical to operate and maintain. To this
end, the following standards for purchasing and developing City software shall be observed:
1. To the greatest extent possible, the City departments shall purchase software applications
which are expected to have long-term publisher support and which do not require extensive
in-house technical knowledge and support to operate. This may require that departments
modify internal operations to conform to the software selected. Departments shall not
contract for custom modifications to any software without the specific authorization of the
city manager.
2. The City shall standardize on one database management system, and shall develop all inhouse programs on the basis of a standard, well-documented procedure for using that
system, so that the City will not be dependent on the knowledge or presence of any
individual employee in order to operate and maintain such programs.
Software Created By Employees:
All software programs created by City employees, using the City's equipment and licensed
software, are the property of the City of Plymouth and shall be subject to the same restrictions as
provided for in the licensed software section of this policy, except if otherwise provided in an
agreement between the City and such employee.
Network Data Use & Security:
In order to maintain the security and integrity of the City's network computer system, all
employees shall comply with the following policies:
Every employee shall keep their personal network access passwords strictly confidential.
Passwords should not be revealed to any other person, including any other employee. If the
network system is accessed in an unauthorized manner using an employee's password, that
employee will be held personally accountable regardless of the circumstances. If any employee is
uncertain about the security of any personal password, it should be changed immediately.
City of Plymouth Employee manual - Page 64 – March 2023