Employee Manual 2023 - Flipbook - Page 134
to computing resources and accounts, independent of such procedures, when it reasonably
appears necessary to do so in order to protect the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of
City computing and network resources, or to protect the City from liability.
a. If violations of this policy are discovered, the City will take appropriate actions to resolve
the issue and violators may be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including
b. If violations of this policy are discovered that are illegal activities, the City may notify
appropriate authorities.
c. The City reserves the right to pursue appropriate legal actions to recover any financial
losses suffered as a result of violations of this policy.
E. Exception Process
Exceptions to this policy will be requested in writing to the city manager. Exceptions will be
documented in writing and retained according to existing schedules. Exceptions may be granted
on a limited-time basis.
Employees must refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment provided by
the City, unless it is work-related. Employees must not use the City e-mail addresses to register on
social networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.
The City encourages employees to be respectful, fair and courteous to fellow employees, citizens,
vendors or people who work on behalf of the City or visit the City. Employees are more likely to
resolve work-related complaints by speaking directly with their co-workers or supervisor or by
utilizing our Open Door Policy than by posting complaints to a social media outlet.
Nevertheless, if an employee decides to exercise their Section 7 rights under National Labor
Relations Act (or the state counterpart) by posting complaints or criticisms, they must do so in a
lawful manner and avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio recordings that reasonably
could be viewed as obscene, intimidating, abusive, demeaning, or threatening, or that unlawfully
defame individuals, or that might constitute unlawful harassment or bullying.
Examples of such impermissible conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally and
unlawfully harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work
environment on the basis of race, color, national origin, weight, height, sex (including pregnancy
and conditions related to pregnancy), sexual orientation, transgendered status, disability, genetic
information, religion, veteran or marital status, misdemeanor arrest record, or any other status
protected by law or City policy.
City of Plymouth Employee manual - Page 134 – March 2023