Connect to Achieve MoreCrown connected solutions provide real-time, actionabledata to stakeholders tasked with achieving and maintaininggains in areas of productivity, safety and utilization.The TSP 1000/1500 Series comes standard withconnected features through the Gena operating system,plus the option for additional features through Crown'sInfoLink Operator and Fleet Management System.EnhancedTruckServiceabilityConnected FeaturesGena Operating SystemInfoLink Operator and FleetManagement System*Delivers 昀椀ne-tuned control on an intuitive userinterface for enhanced performance, collectionand communication of data, enhanced troubleshooting and safety.Simpli昀椀es the collection and communicationof truck and operator data for informeddecisions about operational safety,productivity and utilization of assets.EnhancedTruckFeedbackMultipleLanguagesSafetyRemindersIntegratedInfoLinkHardwareWirelessSystemUpdatesFleetManagementVisualInspectionChecklistsDataServicesPerformanceServices*Not available in all regions.Crown’s Proven Support NetworkCrown's expansive service network of technicians, supported by extensive parts availability, can provide themaintenance and training you need to fully leverage your investment.Safety and TrainingOur comprehensive training programs for operators, supervisors,technicians—and even pedestrians—can help support your efforts toprovide a safe and productive work environment. Our DP TrainSafeTrain-the-Trainer program, offered locally, can provide your organizationwith tools to ef昀椀ciently train new operators using your own resources.Demonstrated Performance Service Technician Training goes above andbeyond traditional classroom training, allowing participants to work on lifttrucks with instructor supervision.Forklift Maintenance and RepairCrown’s Integrity Service System keeps your forklifts running—regardless of brand. From time and material to complete maintenance,our Integrity Service System offers a variety of service plans to suityour needs in an ef昀椀cient and cost-effective way. Our well-stocked,GPS-dispatched service vans help ensure your service technicianarrives with the right part at the right time.Put the TSP Series to Work for You.Visit crown.comContact your local Crown dealer for a demonstration.See the TSP 1000/1500 Series
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