2020 Archdiocese of Atlanta Employee Policy Manual/September 2020 - Manual / Resource - Page 24
Learned professions who meet the salary requirement described AND serve in a position
requiring advanced knowledge in a field of science or learning, which is customarily
acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction.
Computer/Technical professionals who meet the salary requirement as described;
employee must be involved in computer programming, including systems analysis, design
and/or development of computer programs.
Highly compensated employees performing office or non-manual work and paid a total
annual compensation of $107,432 or more.
Deductions may not be made to an exempt employee’s regular compensation, except in situations
where an employee is absent from work due to personal reasons for a full day AND no work is
performed for the full day.
Partial day absences for exempt employees may be handled at the local manager, pastor,
principal’s discretion. Accrued leave (sick, vacation and personal time) may be used in hourly
increments for partial day absences.
Exempt employees are expected to follow the local time keeping procedures established in order to
report sick, vacation, or personal time off.
3.1.2 Nonexempt Classification / Pay Practices (revised February 2022)
Employees who serve in positions that are classified under the FLSA as nonexempt are subject to
the minimum wage provisions AND are entitled to overtime pay of time and a half for all hours
worked over 40 in a workweek. Only “actual hours worked” count towards overtime.
The current archdiocesan policy provides that all nonexempt employees are paid on an hourly
basis and not on a salaried basis.
Hours should be recorded in a timely manner and submitted to the local payroll for processing
following approval. Nonexempt employees may not start work or work past scheduled hours
without prior written approval of the immediate supervisor, pastor, principal, manager, and/or
department head. If hours are worked without approval, employee must be paid. Employees who
violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
It is the responsibility of the employee’s immediate supervisor to ensure that hours worked by
nonexempt subordinates are reported on time. If hours are not reported in time for payroll
processing, the local payroll administrator will make every effort to follow up with the employee’s
immediate supervisor. If hours are not reported in time, the employee should be paid based on
average hours worked. Any adjustments will occur on the following payroll cycle. Employees
who refuse to report hours worked promptly may be subject to disciplinary action.
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