3-7-24 FDN Impact report 23 Accessible - Flipbook - Page 7
Justice Program
The Judges and Psychiatrists Leadership Initiative (JPLI) trained psychiatrists
and judges to serve as JPLI trainers. This is part of the JPLI efort to expand
partnerships between psychiatrists and judges in each state to achieve the JPLI
goal to train 10,000 judges and 2,500 psychiatrists nationwide by 2030.
Over 3,000 copies of the APAF published, Mental Health Professionals’ Guide to
Their Role in the Criminal Justice System were donated to APA resident/fellow
members. The Stepping Up Initiative continued to push for counties to publicly
commit to goals to address and reduce the number of individuals with serious
mental illness in jails and prisons. To date 580 counties, representing 49% of the
US population, have committed to the Stepping up goals.
The Psychiatric Research Fellowship, in its ffth year, provides funding ($45K
annually) for an early career psychiatrist to design and conduct a health services/
policy related research study using national data housed at the APA. This
vital program enables the APA and APA Foundation to actively participate in
diversifying, sustaining, and strengthening the clinical investigators workforce.
Notice. Talk. Act.® at School
Through a fve year SAMHSA
grant, APAF has expanded the
Notice. Talk. Act. ® (NTA) at
School Program at no cost to
all K-12 schools throughout
the United States and its
territories enabling APAF to
signifcantly expand NTA at
School’s reach and impact.
The Notice. Talk. Act.® at
School training was delivered
to 423 educators, administrators and 21 mental health professionals , impacting
an estimated 3,986 students. Trained school staf made 164 mental health or
related service referrals. APAF was a platinum sponsor for the Association for
Middle Level Education’s (AMLE) 50th anniversary conference, where we were
able to demonstrate to AMLE’s 1,800 participants that mental health care works
when they have the appropriate training to support students and communities.