2024 Housing and Campus Community Guide - Magazine - Page 6
Desmond Hall
Draper Hall
Jenkins Hall
Desmond Hall is a co-ed residence hall for first-year students
that houses approximately 250 students. There are double
rooms and a limited number of deluxe double and triple
rooms. The three-story building is organized by alternating
gender rooms with gender specific community bathrooms
located on each floor.
Draper Hall is a co-ed residence hall for first-year students
that houses approximately 200 students. Draper Hall offers
double occupancy rooms and limited triple rooms. The threestory building is divided into separate corridors by a central
stairwell with a specific gender on each side. Gender specific
community bathrooms are located on each floor.
Jenkins Hall is a co-ed residence hall for first-year students
that houses approximately 200 students. Jenkins Hall offers
double occupancy rooms and limited triple rooms. The threestory building is divided into separate corridors by a central
stairwell with a specific gender on each side. Gender specific
community bathrooms are located on each floor.
Sierra Hall
Klamath Hall
Sierra Hall is a co-ed residence hall for first-year students that houses approximately 200
students. Sierra Hall offers double rooms and a limited number of single and large triple
rooms. Double occupancy rooms in Sierra hall can vary in shape and size. The three-story
building is organized by winged corridors. Gender specific community bathrooms are located
on each floor.
Klamath Hall is a co-ed residence hall for first-year students that houses approximately 200
students. Klamath Hall offers double rooms and a limited number of single and large triple
rooms. Double occupancy rooms in Klamath Hall can vary in shape and size. The three-story
building is organized by winged corridors. Gender specific community bathrooms are located
on each floor.