2023-Annual-Report-052223-Digital-FINAL-Updated-Single-Pages - Flipbook - Page 26
Despite Greater Nashville’s economic success, too many of our neighbors are still
living in poverty. People and corporations are relocating here at a record pace,
but many long-time residents struggle to keep up with the change. Affordable
housing, workforce development and the wage gap are becoming increasing
concerns in many of our neighborhoods. In Greater Nashville alone, 12.4 percent
of our population lives in poverty. Many are moms and dads working full-time
jobs (sometimes two), but because their wages are so low and costs for housing
and childcare are so high, they are unable to make ends meet. Couple these
financial struggles with chronic unemployment, financial illiteracy, homelessness,
mental illness and lack of education or vocational training, and overcoming the
cycle of poverty can seem insurmountable. We must do more to alleviate poverty
for our most vulnerable neighbors and provide clear and attainable pathways to
brighter futures for the next generations.
Putting People on the Path to Better Jobs
In order to really move out of poverty and
Helping our Neighbors Keep More
of What They Earn
into a livable wage, our neighbors need
The average taxpayer spends $300 to file
higher paying jobs with opportunities for
their taxes each year. Those are crucial
growth. To land these jobs, they need the
dollars that could go toward rent, food,
right post-secondary education, training and
childcare and gas. Since 2004, United Way
certifications. That’s the key to increasing
volunteers have been helping thousands of
wages and stabilizing housing in our
individuals save by preparing their taxes at
community. SNAP Employment & Training,
no cost through our Volunteer Income Tax
along with our partner agencies, are helping
Assistance (VITA) free tax prep program.
individuals receive the education and training
Volunteers help qualifying individuals receive
to obtain a livable wage that will set them on
important credits such as the Earned Income
the path to a financially secure future.
Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit that lift
millions out of poverty each year.