2023-Annual-Report-052223-Digital-FINAL-Updated-Single-Pages - Flipbook - Page 16
In 2022 ...
Providing Support to Those Living
In partnership with the Tennessee Department
individuals had their medical needs
met to address a health-specific
emergency or crisis situation
of Health, we manage the Ryan White Part B
and CDC Prevention grants for 95 counties in
Tennessee to support those affected by HIV/
AIDS by providing services for people who
do not have sufficient health care coverage
or financial resources. The program serves
more than 3,000 individuals and supports
comprehensive care and prevention education
efforts, including medical case management,
emergency financial assistance, mental
health, substance abuse, oral health care,
psychosocial support, food bank meal
delivery, transportation, housing assistance
individuals reported improved
mental health and a decrease
in feelings of depression or
and eye care assistance.
Easing Suffering From Poor Mental Health
And Chronic Disease
Living with chronic disease, mental health
issues and drug addiction is a daily struggle
for so many. Our partners provide clients
with the education and resources they need
to manage their conditions so they can live
healthy lives. The Williamson County Anti-
individuals were helped to make
behavior changes to support
improvements to their health and
quality of life
Drug Coalition and the Robertson County
Prevention Coalition prevent substance abuse
in teens to support a drug-free community.