2022-100-Faces-Book - Flipbook - Page 96
Storyteller. Researcher. Journalist.
“We know that children in poverty do better when
they’re not concentrated in poverty.”
David began his newspaper career nearly 20 years
ago in a coastal Florida town covering stories from
local politics to hurricanes and tropical storms to
health care. Education slowly became his passion
and he began to specialize in K-12, higher education,
policy issues and literacy—really digging into what
makes a community successful. As the Tennessean’s
opinion and engagement editor, he’s traveled the
country to learn how other cities address many of the
challenges that Nashville faces: housing, gentrification
and urban planning. He’s seeing that other cities are
experimenting with creating mixed-income living and
says he is using his platform to shed light on our
communities challenges so that significant reform can
take root.
The Tennessean