2022-100-Faces-Book - Flipbook - Page 56
CEO. Empowerer. Helper.
“It’s very burdensome to be on dialysis, physically
and timely. That’s 15 plus hours a week people are
spending in a dialysis chair receiving treatment
they need to stay alive. When you add time it takes
to get there and being away from work, it becomes
a burden that’s insurmountable for some people.”
Tennessee Kidney Foundation
Fundraiser. Paver. Cat lover.
“There are so many reasons why a family is
struggling. It’s not just child care. They could
be displaced or their lights went out. There are
so many pieces to this puzzle. For a lot of our
families, education is important and they can’t get
a better job unless they have an education. And
with that, of course, you need child care.”
Fannie Battle Day Home