2022-100-Faces-Book - Flipbook - Page 33
La Rhonda
Advocate. Mentor. Life changer.
While listening to the radio on her morning commute,
La Rhonda heard about the need for volunteer courtappointed advocates with CASA, a United Way partner
agency. CASA was looking for volunteers to advocate
for and support children who come to the court’s
attention because of abuse or neglect. She knew it
was her calling but wasn’t willing to commit unless she
could give 110 percent of her time. When she heard the
same ad a year later, she went straight to her boss to
ask for his support.
“We may assume that a parent has the resources or
has the foundation to be an effective parent. But if
they don’t have that, it impacts how they raise their
children or how they respond to a situation. It’s not only
important for CASA to advocate for the children and to
reunify them with the family but it’s also important that
we help that parent receive the resources they need.
I don’t possess any type of legal experience; I don’t
have a JD degree. What I have is basically a heart of
compassion and the willingness to change a story for
a child.”
CASA Nashville