2022-100-Faces-Book - Flipbook - Page 17
Homeowner. Underwriter. Educator.
“You never know what people are going through.
Just be humble and reassure them that things
are going to be all right. I’m not here to judge.
I’m here to help, to let them know that there are
organizations out there to help. It might look bad
now but give it a little time. It’ll get much better.”
The Housing Fund
Songwriter. Optimist. Friend.
“When I first went to the Financial Empowerment
Center, my first session was pretty emotional. I
couldn’t believe that there were people who did
that kind of work at no cost to me. Just having
an ear, someone to talk to about my situation,
someone to communicate with to lay out a plan—
that made all the difference for me.”
Financial Empowerment Center