2022-100-Faces-Book - Flipbook - Page 13
Reader. Fighter. Listener.
“Far too few of our children read on grade level.
They struggle with decoding the language on a
page. They struggle with understanding the words
that they’re reading. My job has given my life a
purpose I didn’t know it needed. That’s why I get up
every morning and do what I do.”
Nashville Public Library
Matriarch. Caregiver. Safe haven.
“We’re not in child care to make money. We’re in it
to help the families. If you’re doing what’s right for
families, money’s going to come. We help them get
assistance, help them with vouchers … because
the goal is to have the child someplace safe. You
don’t want parents having to leave their kids in the
cars or at home by themselves.”
15th Avenue North Learning Academy