2021 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 33
“My mom used to come home
with all these stories about
how this person came in and
they needed things and she
just couldn’t help them. And I
felt so bad. So that really made
me want to be more involved
in the community … to help
communities just be better, be
stronger and come together.”
— Nurture the Next
U N I T E D W AY G R E AT E R N A S H V I L L E | 2 0 2 1 A N N U A L R E P O RT
“I understand the value of giving
dollars so the impact can be
compounded when added to
other people’s dollars. It made
a lot of sense to me to find an
organization like United Way that
gave to so many worthy causes
that I could really get behind. I feel
like my dollars can go further.”
— Patricia Hart Society