Forgiveness - Magazine - Page 1
Dear Parents and Carers,
Forgiveness is the lifeblood of any family or community.
In this Sunday’s Gospel the younger son insults his
father; his inheritance is all he thinks about. To make
matters worse, his reason for returning is not love
or consideration for his father, but simply his own
desperate hunger. The father doesn’t even question
his son’s motives. He welcomes his son back with the
open heart and the open arms of forgiveness.
A Gift to You & Your Family
from Your Catholic School
Wednesday 26th March 2025
The message for us is that, whatever we may have
done wrong, if we are truly sorry, we can still count
on the loving forgiveness of God, who is our Father,
and on the freedom that his forgiveness brings.
Enjoy a special time with your child exploring
this Sunday’s Gospel and this Wednesday’s word,
Dom Henry Wansbrough
“May each family rediscover family prayer,
which helps to bring about forgiveness.”
A Word from
Pope Francis
Sunday 30th March 2025
Jesus said, “A man had two sons. The
younger said to his father, ‘Father, let
me have the inheritance that would
come to me.’ So the father gave him
his share and his son then left for a
distant country where he squandered
his money on a life of shameless living. When
he had spent it all, that country experienced a
severe famine, and he began to be in need and
he had to hire himself out to feed pigs. So he
decided to go back to his father. When his father
saw him, he ran to the boy, clasped him in his
arms and kissed him. Then his son said, ‘Father, I
have sinned against heaven and against you. I no
longer deserve to be called your son.’ But the
father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring out the
best robe and put it on him and kill the fattened
calf. For this son of mine was lost and is now
found.’ And they began to celebrate.”
Adapted from Luke 15:1-3.11-32
The 4th Sunday of Lent, Year C
Getting to know Jesus makes life joyful.
Learn more about this Sunday’s Gospel in your
local Parish Church: all are very warmly invited.
2025: The Jubilee Year of Hope!
Having Hope
our Families
The father in this Sunday’s Gospel gives us a glimpse of God the Father’s merciful and
forgiving nature. If we acknowledge when we have gone wrong, God is always ready
to forgive us and to help us to forgive others. We are all part of God’s family and no
matter how many times we need to forgive or to be forgiven, God is there to help us.
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Artwork © The Benedictine Sisters of Turvey Abbey and McCrimmon Publishing Co Ltd. Imprimatur: + Marcus Stock, Bishop of Leeds. © Copyright 2025 The Wednesday Word Ltd. A Registered Charity in England and Wales No. 1125628