2023-PLD-York Conference-Latest-PrintFile-WithBleeds - Flipbook - Page 2
DIVE into the DIGITAL Wednesday Word
A DIGITAL WEEKLY GIFT for you and your Diocese that helps
schools and families to pray and celebrate God’s Word and also..
• Enhances your school’s Catholic identity! When sent out into Family Homes
The Wednesday Word promotes the Catholic life of your school and parish in
a friendly manner. Designed for Mission, the leaflet is also a weekly reminder and
invitation to Sunday’s celebration of the Mass for all those connected to the school.
• Creates a new and positive weekly contact with school families by sharing
the Good News of the Gospel. Sharing The Wednesday Word through school
for children to take home, naturally presents a regular evangelising opportunity for
many families - encouraging the development of personal and family faith. This gives
tremendous expression to the school’s Catholic mission.
• Seeks to encourage families to gather for family dialogue and prayer – to
grow in God’s Love. A ‘word’, inspired by the coming Sunday’s Gospel, is suggested
as the focus for weekly Family Time - providing a simple and supportive starting point to
explore Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel – enriching the family through encountering Christ.
• Helps parents in their role as primary educators - teaching their children,
each week, about the virtues and values that are at the heart of the Gospel.
The Wednesday Word gives parents the confidence and the words to speak about faith
with their children, and explore the Gospel’s meaning and relevance in an enjoyable way –
helping the family to live together in the Love of God.
• Spiritually supports ALL school families. Feedback shows that The Wednesday
Word has proved to be extremely successful in creating a simple way to engage with
the Gospel for both churched and unchurched families. The material contained in the
resource is written to guide and spiritually support ALL school families, regardless of their
background. It really is, “Good News for Families”.
Share the Word with Parents!
Through The Wednesday Word, the Gospel is sent out, as in the Parable of the Sower and the Seed.
”The Wednesday Word can help to put the Word of God into the home of every
Catholic school child. The materials produced are used extensively throughout
England and Wales. I offer my prayers and encouragement not only to those
who provide The Wednesday Word but also to those who use it.”
Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster
& President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales