WAT 9203 LTL Facilities Landscape 2024 FV - Flipbook - Page 17
Attrition and talent
We can see from the latest research that the
On top of this, the research revealed that a third (32%)
proportion of FMs struggling with workloads,
of FMs are currently considering moving jobs. With
mistakes, lack of recognition and pressure have grown
already stretched workloads and tighter budgets
since December 2022. These signi昀椀cant increases
this year, that volume of professionals leaving their
across a 12 month period are concerning not only
current roles would have a detrimental impact on
for the general wellbeing of facilities management
their facilities. This year, we dug deeper into talent
professionals, but also for productivity, budgets and
and recruitment experiences within the industry, and
the ability to attract new talent into the sector.
found that over 1 in 3 (34%) FMs believe that there
aren’t enough young people coming into the sector
and a similar number often worry about the skills
shortage in the sector. This wider context helps to
highlight how urgently change and support is required
to improve workplace experience and protect the
future safety and performance of the FM industry.
It’s concerning to see that facilities managers’ experiences
have worsened over the past 12 months, but there are steps
that they can take within their roles to improve this. For
example, by introducing a shared log for documenting
damages spotted, FMs can alleviate pressure by broadening
out the responsibility to additional teams within the facility.
More team members inspecting the site should also help
damages to be spotted earlier, which facilitates speedy,
small-scale repairs instead of larger, time-consuming
repairs that 昀椀ll to-do lists and lead to facility downtime.
Keeping on top of repairs will also contribute to a cleaner,
safer environment that boosts team morale.
Chris Budd, Sales Director at Watco UK