The Aspire Guide - Flipbook - Page 57
Example Cover Letter
Full Name
Town, County
Organisation Name
1 Company Lane
Dear Mr/Ms/Mx Surname [Hiring Manager - only if you’re not sure!],
Introduction - Who am I?
Describe yourself and the purpose of the letter. What to include: Your name and a bit about you i.e. your
school and what you study, why you are writing e.g. to find out if there are any work experience
opportunities at (insert the name of the firm) and what your ambitions are, for instance developing
specific skills.
Second Paragraph - Why is the Organisation and Opportunity a Good Fit?
Praise what you like about the organisation with reference to a specific example of something recent
they’ve done, it could be a new project they’re working on for instance. Then, outline what specifically it
is about the role, and the opportunities it provides that excites you.
Third Paragraph - What makes you a Good Candidate?
Elaborate on your relevant qualifications, experience and skills – being succinct and only including two
or three relevant examples. You do not need to go into too much detail as your CV is attached but ensure
that you make reference to the specific skills and experience required for the role e.g. if applying for a
part-time job as a sales assistant you could talk about your ability to communicate with a range of
different people and where you developed this skill.
Finishing Off - How can the Employer Follow Up?
I have attached my CV for your consideration, do get in touch if you require any more information
regarding my application. I am available for work experience from *dates* and can be contacted via email
or phone. I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely [or faithfully if you haven’t addressed them by name],
Full Name