11901 TheTutorTrust ImpactReport2023 301123 1206 - Flipbook - Page 4
call for government to make a long-term
commitment to sustainable funding for
high-quality tutoring in schools.
At Tutor Trust, we see 昀椀rst-hand the
real impact that a high-quality tutoring
programme can have on young people’s
attainment, con昀椀dence and enjoyment
of learning.
We are proud of the strong progress
our tutees make during their tutoring
programmes, particularly as most of
our tutees start the programme with
low attainment compared with others
their age. This is, sadly, much more the
case than in previous years, re昀氀ecting
the ongoing impact of the pandemic
on children and young people in our
communities and the need for continued
support at a very challenging time. 48%
of our Year 11 Maths cohort started their
programme with us working at GCSE Grade
2 or below, compared with 25% last year.
Tutoring makes a real di昀昀erence to these
young people. In SATs, our tutees averaged
7.4 scaled score points of progress, with
low prior attainers showing the greatest
gains. At GCSE, progress made by tutees
in both English and Maths was considerably
higher than last year, with pupils averaging
almost three-quarters of a grade progress
in both subjects, up from around two-thirds
of a grade last year. There was a positive
relationship between the amount of tutoring
Tutor Trust Impact Report 2022/2023
sessions attended and the likelihood of
a pupil achieving a Grade 4 or higher.
We are looking to the future, too, and are
exploring ways in which tutoring can help
more young people. We’ve been running
small-scale pilots of new tutoring models to
see which deliver impact, including pilots of
phonics tutoring in Key Stage 1 and of ESOL
tutoring for young people new to the UK.
We’re passionate about the work that we do
and the very real di昀昀erence that a supportive
tutor makes. The feedback we consistently
receive from partner schools and the young
people we tutor is heartwarming: 97%
of our partners would recommend us to
another school, while our pupils respond
that tutoring is enjoyable, has increased their
con昀椀dence, and has led to them making
increased progress back in the classroom.
We thank all of our partners and supporters
for making what we do possible: your
support is needed more than ever. We thank
our schools for your continued commitment
to partnering with us and for the tireless
work you do day-in, day-out to support your
pupils and their families. And, of course,
we thank our wonderful tutors and sta昀昀
team, who each day go above and beyond
in their commitment to our joint mission
of ‘transforming lives through tutoring.’
Abigail Shapiro
Co-Founder and Executive Director