11901 TheTutorTrust ImpactReport2023 301123 1206 - Flipbook - Page 13
The how
2. Our tutors are great at building supportive relationships
Our recruitment process is rigorous. While
we of course have academic requirements
to ensure our tutors have the knowledge to
accelerate learning, equally important is the
ability to build supportive relationships with
children and young people. Our application
form and interview give potential tutors
opportunities to demonstrate empathy,
active listening, and responsiveness to
di昀昀erent people’s needs.
During one of my sessions
after working through a task 1:1
Our partner schools say:
Tutors built good relationships
with pupils:
4.7 / 5
Tutors were effective at forming
relationships with our pupils which
is crucial to the success of the
Michael Johnston, SLE
in Mathematics, St John Bosco High
School, Liverpool
with a student who was struggling,
they turned to me and said ‘Miss,
you’re always so kind, thank you’.
Even though this was not about
the work it made a huge impact
on me and touched me, to know
what I am doing is really making
a difference and helping the pupils
I am with.
Francesca Culley, Primary
Tutor, undergraduate in Philosophy,
Ethics and Religion at the University
of Leeds
3. Our tutors have access to high-quality training and support
Before starting work, all our tutors
complete our training programme,
developed with partners at the University
of Manchester. For those who aren’t
quali昀椀ed teachers, this takes at least
15 (unpaid) hours, consisting of a mix
of online self-paced learning and live
sessions on Zoom. There are assessment
points throughout, so completion of
our training itself demonstrates tutors’
commitment to giving young people
their best.
And, of course, all of our tutors have
an enhanced DBS and barred list check,
and receive comprehensive safeguarding
training so they know what to do if they
have concerns about a young person.
Once they’re tutoring, we ask them to
complete yearly compulsory safeguarding
refresher training, but this is just the start.
We run a comprehensive programme of
learning and development for our tutors,
ranging from online self-paced learning
on our Thinqi platform to live sessions
with members of our Quality Team and
outside experts. We also o昀昀er our tutors
continuous support: 90% received feedback
on a lesson plan from a member of our
Quality Team, while 69% were observed by
one of our 13 in-house quali昀椀ed teachers.
Our partner schools say:
Tutors were well trained:
4.6 / 5
Tutors had good subject knowledge:
4.7 / 5
Tutor Trust Impact Report 2022/2023