TGCG SOLLA Care Funding Guide England - Flipbook - Page 5
What SOLLA customers say
The Society of Later Life Advisers (SOLLA) helps people and their families in
昀椀nding trusted accredited 昀椀nancial advisers who are experienced in working
with and understanding 昀椀nancial needs in later life.
Go to our Find an Adviser page on our website where you can search for an adviser who
is local and can ensure you have the peace of mind that you are making the right 昀椀nancial
choices to secure your future.
“A number of advisers would no doubt be able to help technically. But for an older,
vulnerable client the ‘hand holding’ approach is of much greater signi昀椀cance than
just the technical knowledge. Our SOLLA adviser managed to combine both,
which makes her an excellent adviser for the older, vulnerable age group.”
- Julie
“Our adviser was well versed in 昀椀nancial ma琀琀ers and combines
e昀케ciency with great warmth and compassion.”
- Anne
0808 239 2696