EVER Dementia Model 2024 Flyer - Flipbook - Page 1
Introducing our new model of demen琀椀a care at
The Good Care Group, Oxford Aunts and Cherished Home Care
Our new model of demen琀椀a care, developed by our own Admiral Nurse, Dr Jane Pritchard and
Occupa琀椀onal Therapist, Jackie Cooper, ar琀椀culates how we achieve the best care for people living
with demen琀椀a and their families. The model is called ‘EVER’, which stands for:
Engagement - These are the di昀昀erent techniques used to approach communica琀椀on and to build
rapport such as, mirroring body language and maintaining gentle, close eye contact.
Valida琀椀on - This method is used to connect with people living with demen琀椀a emo琀椀onally through
acknowledging their feelings.
Enrichment - Enables people with demen琀椀a to live full, meaningful lives. This is achieved through a
number of techniques including reminiscence and music therapy to help people live well.
Rela琀椀onships - EVER adopts what is called a ‘Rela琀椀onship-Centred’ model. It acknowledges the
importance of empathe琀椀c communica琀椀ons with others, and recognises that suppor琀椀ng family
members is key to achieving the best outcomes for people living with demen琀椀a.
Rela琀椀onships can be seen as a triangle between us, the family, and the
person living with demen琀椀a. There is a di昀昀erent type of rela琀椀onship
between each person:
Person with demen琀椀a
Care team